I just don’t feel like myself. I feel like Sh*t. I hear these things in my office daily, and the thing is, you do not have to feel like this. The process to getting healthy is not nearly as complicated as you have been made to believe.

Are you experiencing…?

  • Fatigue, burnout
  • Anxiety, depression
  • #periodproblems - pain, heavy bleeding, PMS
  • Bloating, bowel changes
  • Brain fog
  • Weight loss resistance
  • Acne and skin issues
  • Low libido
  • Hair loss

    All of these actually have very similar causes. That’s right. All of our dysfunctions really come down to a nasty combination of 5-7 things.

    So that means, by assessing and treating those 5-7 things you can feel better!
  • The How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t Bootcamp

    In this 3 Day How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t Bootcamp we will uncovering the most common causes of dysfunction and helping you to understand a path forward to your ideal health, finally!

    What we will cover…

    Day 1 (January 31st at 4:00pm) - What the Itty Bitty Sh*tty Committee is and how we got here

    Day 2 (February 1st at 4:00pm) - Hidden stressors, blood sugar regulation and why you can’t beat burnout the way you have been taught (AKA - you can’t selfcare your way out of it!)

    Day 3 (February 2nd at 4:00pm) - All things hormones and digestion

    (You can come live or to get access to the replays)

    Looking for Patient Support?

    Don’t have time to come to the calls, but ready to get help with exactly this!
    Book your appointment or meet and greet!

    Course curriculum

    • 1

      Register for Our Bootcamp

      • Welcome to The How to Stop Feeling Sh*t Bootcamp

      • Day 1: What the Itty Bitty Sh*tty Committee is and how we got here

      • Day 2: Hidden stressors, blood sugar regulation and why you can’t beat burnout the way you have been taught (AKA - you can’t selfcare your way out of it!)

      • Day 3: All things hormones and digestion