New Patient Programs
Starting in 2024!

  • Are you a current patient interested in working with the team at Advanced Women’s Health in a different way?

  • Do you need more support and accountability on your journey to health and wellness?

  • Maybe you are someone with a specific condition and you need a more tailored approach and guidance to help with your condition.

Dr. Sarah Wilson, ND

Program Lead

Dr. Sarah Wilson is a Naturopathic Doctor who has an incredible passion for evidence based natural medicine that was ignited along her own healing journey. She empowers professional women to understand their bodies and change their health, and the lives of those around them, with simple, actionable advice.

Dr. Sarah focuses her clinical practice on complex hormonal conditions, digestive conditions and energy production. She applies her past careers in obesity research, immunology and gut microbiome research to deeply understand how the root cause of most women’s health issues is at the intersection between hormonal imbalance and inflammation. As an application of this Dr. Sarah wrote the game changing weight loss book, “Finally Lose It”.

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